April 9, 2019
The April meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals was called to order by member Tom Heck. Members present were Scott Cragen, Tom Schuette, Tom Heck, Albert Moeller, and Russel Shubert. Members Bruce Barkau and Kathy Cook was absent. Zoning board secretary Dawn Moyer, Don Rennegarbe, and Mary Rennegarbe were also present.
Minutes from the March meeting were reviewed by members. Member Schuette made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; the motion was seconded by Member Heck and were approved as presented.
Ms. Moyer informed the board of the permits that had been granted since the March meeting; Absolute Construction new home on Amber Drive and Hoercher fence on Memorial Drive.
Mr.and Mrs. Rennegarbe were invited to speak. There was discussion regarding the gazebo behind The Original Springs Hotel on the east side of Mill Street and the sign across Hanover St. Rennegarbe questioned two other gazebos in the village – the one on N Hanover St owned by the Village and the one on S Hanover Street owned by the Community Club. Ms. Moyer will research the history and permitting of those gazebos and get the information to Rennegarbe. It was noted that both are zoned differently than the parcel the Original Springs gazebo is on, so the regulations are different. Mr Rennegarbe asked whether a special use could be granted so the gazebo can stay, so that process was explained; Ms. Moyer will also get the application for a Special Use to Rennegarbe.
Regarding the temporary sign, the Rennegarbe’s indicated that they have decided to remove it. They did ask about sign regulations in case they decide to put up a permanent sign and Ms. Moyer will print the sign regulations and application for sign permit and give the to Mr. Rennegarbe.
There being nothing else to bring before the board, Member Schuette made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Member Cragen. The meeting adjourned at 8:22 PM.
Dawn Moyer
2019 Permits
Mobile Home Park
Lot 58
DP 19-02-01 demolition
Mobile Home Park
Lot 41
DP 19-02-02 demolition
210 N Henrietta St
19-01F fence
Absolute Construction
820 Amber Drive
BP 19-01 New Home
210 Memorial Drive
1-02F fence
Original Springs Hotel
506 N Hanover St
502 Ash St
19-03F fence
201 S Abby Ln
BP19-02 garage
Okawville Equipment
401 W Elm St
BP19-03 loading dock