While this is not a comprehensive list of the Ordinances governing the VIllage of Okawville, the following are some of the more commonly violated ordinances.  Please contact Village Hall if you any questions about the Village Code.

Occupancy:  Each residence has a maximunm occupancy which is determined by the fire code.  No more than that number of persons shouldbe occupying the residence.  Only those persons listed ont he Occupancy Permit are allowed to to occupy the residence.  If another perosn moves in, notify Village Hallimmediately to avoid fines.

Leaf Burning: No burning is allowed along curbs or on village streets. No burning is allowed after sunset. Yard waste must be dry when burned. Fires MUST BE attended by a responsible party at all times.
Dogs/Cats: No more than a total of three dogs and cats is allowed at any residence. All dogs must be on a leash unless fenced or inside the residence.
Permits: A permit is required for any new construction or modifications. This includes fences, homes, outbuildings, decks, patios, ppols, temporary sheds, etc.
Curfew: A minor is any person who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. Minors are not allowed to be in a public space between the hours of 11:00 P.M. on any Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday until 6:00 A.M. the following day and 12:01 A.M. until 6:00 A.M. Saturday and Sunday. Exceptions are if the minor is with a parent/guardian, travelling to/from a school activity or employment without any detour or stop.
Grass/weeds: Grass and/or weeds must be maintained not in excess of eight (8) inches high. Grass is also to be mowed in such a way that the clippings DO NOT get into the street/curbs.
Derelict vehicles: Unlicensed and/or inoperable vehicles are prohibited outside on the premises of any residence.
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